Thursday, 24 September 2015

Preliminary Task and Evaluation

Preliminary Task and Evaluation 
As a class, we were asked to prepare a shot 30-40 second scene of a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom he\she then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. Also, to film  and edit the same. The scene should have consisted of a match on action, shot reverse shot and follow the 180 degree rule. This was mentioned on the very first post on my blog. 
In our film, we filmed myself walking towards a room which is a long shot, opening the door filmed with extreme close-up, entering the room. Then the camera turns to Naimar and from her point of view as shooted I walk towards the table pull a chair and sit down in front of Naimar. Then we had a birds eye view showing us both together in one scene. Later on, myself and Naimar exchange a few dialogues and I pass her a bad full of things she needed and we have an eyeline match and keeping the 180 degree rule in mind we created a shot reverse shot while me and naimar were having a conversation. Afterwards, I get up from the chair and start walking towards the door again and exit the room empty-handed.  
Preliminary task link: 
  • we used all the shots that were mentioned in our task and we did them as accurately as possible. 
  • we followed the 180 degree rule and shot with same line of action. 
  • there was serious work in the movie.
  • we added some tense music to create a mood in the audience.
  • we could have used a better quality camera so the clarity of the film was better. However, It was not too bad with an ipad but it would have looked more professional if filmed with a professional camera.   
  • we filmed two different days which is why the clothes of our actors were different towards the end when 'I' get up and start to leave.
  • also, in the beginning we filmed portrait but after the birds eye view it changed to landscape which makes it look a bit unusual, but the editing covered it up a little bit.
  • if we would have avoid all these mistakes It would have came out much better. however, our aim is to improve and work on all these faults in our real task for the two minute movie. 

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